Thursday, March 17, 2011

Fashion Inspired by the Moon and Stars

Over the last few years, an innovative fashion trend known as “space wear” has grown immensely, lending influence to countless designers all across the world. The look, which could be described as both intergalactic and futuristic, can now be found everywhere from the cutting-edge fashion scene to high street stores, sported by both men and women. But space wear has a very distinctive beginning with regard to influence, budding from none other than outer space travel and tourism.

With increasing advancements in aerospace technology, the idea of outer space tourism is becoming more and more widespread. Whether someone is genuinely interested in journeying to outer space, or simply enjoys the idea of it, talk of space travel is all around. And, of course, when an aspect of culture gains attention, as space travel has, its popularity can easily spread to other realms of society as well.

This is precisely how space wear surfaced in the world of fashion. The idea of travelling to outer space on holiday sparked the creation of space wear lines from a number of designers – and each line was an interpretation of what a space tourist might both want and need in terms of fashion in space. Of course, authentic space suits worn by real astronauts are purely functional and practical, with a vital purpose to protect. However, designers veering in the direction of space wear believe that fashion – as well as function – will be important for many space tourists. After all, many people do enjoy looking stylish while on holiday. And space travel is just that: a getaway (that just happens to be in space).