A few weeks back, I met up with the lovely Sue from Shine DC for a casual interview. Shine DC is a wonderful blog based in Washington, DC dedicated to "changing and promoting the image of DC/VA/MD’s creative scene, giving it the credit and recognition it deserves with a simplified, uncluttered voice."
Many of you may or may not know this, but I am a very "introverted" person. Throughout the recent years, I've learned to semi-deal with my shyness. Nowadays, I can handle a phone or email interview without a problem. However to do an actual face to face interview, I must admit I still get the jitters. My hands start sweating and I tend to squirm in my seat. However those signs of shyness can be "hidden." What can't be hidden is when you start blushing. Yes, I blush! ... uncontrollably whenever someone asks me a question ... it's so embarrassing :(
Though I may have blushed a bit during my interview, I must say that sitting down with Shine DC was actually very cool. The interview didn't feel like an interview ... It felt more like I was chatting with a good friend about what I was doing nowadays. Sue definitely has a knack for interviewing people, and I commend her for what she's doing with her blog, Shine DC! Congrats!
To read my interview with Shine DC, please visit: www.timetoshinedc.com