Here in New Hampshire we have some strict guidelines to follow for piercings on a minor.
We are required to have a parent or legal guardian present, with a photo identification. The minor also has to bring their birth certificate. We then verify that the adult photo id matches the name on the birth certificate.
New Hampshire requires that we photo the photo ID and the birth certificate for our files. The insurance provider also requires a minor release form be filled out and signed.
The parent is then required by New Hampshire to be in the room during the piercing.
Shockingly Iowa has NO regulations on teenager piercings and there are a dozen states that also do not abide by rules and regulations on age, permit process OR inspections.
Needless to say, parents are outraged by Iowa being so lax and not doing anything to protect their children from the dangers of an improperly run piercing studio (since no rules are in place to protect the public).
For a full article about the parents being up in arms please visit WCF Courier